Finance News

The Multi-Billion Dollar Industry That Makes Its Living From Your Data

Online psychotherapy, booming during the pandemic, may be here to stay

The Economic Model of Higher Education Was Already Broken. Here's Why the Pandemic May Destroy It for Good

Amazon Moves Further Into Health Industry

Zoom is now critical infrastructure. That’s a concern

Zuckerberg acknowledges Facebook erred by not removing a post that urged armed action in Kenosha

New York City battled back the coronavirus. Now it’s struggling to pay for it.

Trump’s push to defer payroll taxes could lead to smaller paychecks for workers in early 2021, Treasury signals

Google greenlights ads with ‘blatant disinformation’ about voting by mail

Apple makes a privacy change, and Facebook and advertising companies cry foul

Moderna failed to disclose federal support in vaccine patents, researchers say

The Investment Perspectives Blog is at:  with  finance articles. My blog can also be found on my Facebook Investment Perspectives Page This blog is produced daily.  Note, I also post a blog that covers Corona, Politics, Finance News on a daily basis.  See my Facebook Page. 

Twitter: @thinvestmentpe1

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Investment Perspectives Blog: Blog Introduction Posted on 9/16/18