Educating Young Girls on Investing

I am writing about educating young girls about investing, because our school systems are not doing nearly enough about educating our students about investing and financial education.  This is an issue that needs to be addressed throughout our educational system from elementary school through college. I came to this issue in a number of ways as Chair of the AAII Chapter Leaders Executive Committee and as Program Chair of the AAII DC Metropolitan Chapter for 18 years. (AAII: American Association of Individual Investors). A fellow member of our Executive Committee introduced me to the idea of buying stocks for young kids. 

1) As posted on My Facebook Investment Perspectives Page
and this blog The following two articles in the April issue of the AAII Journal on teaching kids about investing are very useful:

2)    I previously posted this article by Janet Bodnar, Former Editor, in Kiplinger Magazine  entitled " How to Raise Money-Savy Girls."  The article cites my recommendation to her about my purchasing Disney stocks for my granddaughters and references my former position as a chapter leader for AAII.  I bought Disney at 115. It went up to 150, down to 85, and is now at 105. This will be hard to explain but I only fill them in every 6 months. Since they are now only 8 and 7 years old, they are not following except when I update them. So I hope Sam Stovall is correct as discussed in the next paragraph.  Just realized I wrote about this previoulsy. Here is the llink:

3)    Different Topics:
Twitter: @thinvestmentpe1

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