Finance News

The Four Asset Classes With Great Long-Term Performance 

Fed changes its approach to inflation, as leaders aim to navigate future crises and reach full employment

Walmart leaps into TikTok acquisition fray, joining Microsoft’s bid

'Serving The Servers': Despite Pandemic, Baltimore ToolBank Continues Lending Tools To Community Groups 

Data Breaches At Hospitals Are Increasing

Congress left town and let jobless benefits lapse. Unemployed Americans say they won’t forget it.

Amazon launches new grocery store with ‘smart’ shopping carts and Alexa guides

The Investment Perspectives Blog is at:  with 9 finance articles. My blog can also be found on my Facebook Investment Perspectives Page This blog is produced daily.  Note, I also post a blog that covers Corona, Politics, Finance News on a daily basis.  See my Facebook Page. 

Twitter: @thinvestmentpe1

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Investment Perspectives Blog: Blog Introduction Posted on 9/16/18