
Showing posts from April, 2019

Balancing saving/investing for retirement, home purchases and kids' college expenses.

Quite a few financial advisors recommend that your top priority is to save for retirement rather than focus on buying a home or saving for your kid's college.  I have wondered about that recommendation.  It strikes me that it may make more sense to balance home, college and retirement savings.  If I don't save for my kids college expenses, then I could get stuck with a big bill. Of course, if I have not saved anything, perhaps I would luck out and my kid gets a scholarship or my kid can take out a loan and be in debt for the rest of their life.  Also by buying a home early, I reduce my overall living costs.  Given this dilemma, I asked Craig Israelsen for his thoughts.   He said: " w hat I’ve shared with my students over the years is that our financial life is much like conducting a symphony.  We can’t just focus on the strings, the brass and woodwinds need some love too.  In other words, we are called upon to do a lot of things at the same time in our financial life. 

Money Savy Girls and Financial Literacy

In t he May Issue of Kiplinger magazine   is an article by the former editor, Janet Bodnar .  She is also a frequent guest on our major radio station WTOP.   The article is  entitled " How to Raise Money-Savy Girls."    The article cites my recommendation to her about my purchasing Disney stocks for my granddaughters. article/saving/T065-C034-S002- how-to-raise-money-savvy- girls.html    As many of you know, I have been an advocate for much increased financial literacy programs.  I think this is especially important for females and investor education.  I am very pleased that Janet Bodnar wrote this article.  I would encourage you all to share this article widely. I have placed it on my Investment Perspectives Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as my personal facebook and twitter pages. I would also encourage you to make comments on the article page so that Kiplinger and Janet Bodnar know the importance this article plays.  I will di