
Showing posts from March, 2019


Craig Israelsen on Rebalancing Craig Israelsen has published many important studies on asset allocation, including his 712 model which I have made great use of in my investments.  He has conducted a number of studies on rebalancing.  The bottom line is that it pays to rebalance every 3 months or 12 months if you do so for periods greater than 10 years. If have used such a process myself working with my financial advisor and it has worked well for me. Here are two articles by Craig in the following link.  One is a set of lecture slides and the second is an article he published in Financial Planning.  Many thanks to Craig for providing permission to share. This contrasts with the advice provided in the AAII Journal on rebalancing.  I recommend going with Craig's advice.

Investment Perspectives Blog: Blog Introduction Posted on 9/16/18

Investment Perspectives Blog Volume 1 Issue 1 September 16, 2018 Tony Hausner Blog Introduction I have recently retired as a board member of the American Association of Individual Investors (AAII) Metro Area DC Chapter. I served on the board for 18 years, both as past president and for many years as Program Co-Chair.   This provided me an opportunity to meet many top investment experts who came to speak at our chapter.   I also served for 6 years as Chair of the Chapter Leaders Executive Committee. AAII has about 50 chapters in the larger cities in the U.S. I am still a lifetime member of AAII which has many valuable resources.   I have learned a lot via AAII.   I have just started a facebook page: on which several articles, etc have been posted.   I have also created a twitter account: (or @thinvestmentpe1) I will post more frequently on twitter as it is easier to share such mes